Arriving back in London , on Sunday, we went to Regent's Park and hired a rowing boat. Very romantic, as I remembered that Nick had taken me rowing on Roundhay Park Lake in Leeds on one of our earliest dates, soon after we met in September 1972. He also took me rowing on the river in York on a lovely, lazy autumn day soon after that. Ah, youth!
In Regents Park on Sunday, there were hundreds of people, but the Park just seemed to absorb everyone. All nationalities in our cosmopolitan city seemed to be represented, all shades of colour, all varieties of national or religious dress codes, all enjoying the late summer sunshine and relaxing with their loved ones. Dear God, if only the whole world could take heed. We humans really can all get along when not posturing and not warmongering.
We could follow the example of these wonderful animals in these images here, loving and caring for each other and understanding that we don't need to harm each other. Thanks to Mia, who sent me these divine photos.
Once again on the anniversary of the death of Diana, Princess of Wales, there have been the predictable television and general media documentaries. How inconsiderate of those in the media, who still see Diana as a means of selling papers or attracting viewers, with no thought for how it feels for the grieving families involved. Not just the Princes, but the Fayed family and the other loved ones of the chauffeur and bodyguard. How must it be to be regularly reminded of the tragedy of that night as if it were some kind of public entertainment.

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