Thursday, 27 August 2009

Today I created a beautiful perfume with Tamara for her to wear on her wedding day on Saturday. I hope the weather keeps fine for her and Jeremy because they are getting married in a field somewhere out in the country and wellies would just sooooo spoil the pink bridal look. Sorry we can't be there, but I will be thinking of them of course, and sending love. I love weddings, I get very emotional and have to fight back the tears. The last wedding I attended, I conducted the ceremony with the Registrar and thoroughly enjoyed it. My darling friends Maria Grachvogel and Mike Simcocks were marrying, they both looked amazingly gorgeous and we had a ball. After the ceremony, the Registrar offered me a job! I thought that was cool. When people decide to get married, it raises their relationship into a magical space and the wedding guests surround them with so much love it is almost tangible. Everyone should be as happy as a bride and groom in love and on their wedding day. If I were Queen, I would make that kind of happiness compulsory. If I were Donald Trump, Richard Branson or Sir Alan Sugar, and feeling in a generous mood, I would find a way to buy it and send large free amounts to everyone.

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